People’s lives can be somewhat complex these days with the legal and financial landscape subject to constant change.
People’s lives can be somewhat complex these days with the legal and financial landscape subject to constant change. Making sure that your affairs are kept up to date and that you have in place all the correct and necessary legal frameworks to protect your loved ones and your wealth is core to what we do.
The big difference with our service is that it is ongoing – we are not solicitors, which in itself makes us different, and unlike most solicitors, we do not just take instructions and put in place the required legal documentation and walk away, but instead will provide comprehensive advice at outset and will continue to work with you and your family, not only on the purely legal matters, but also on the big picture financial planning and document execution.
We will help you and your loved ones make the most of your wealth, protect what you have and ultimately pass on your wealth in the most tax efficient manner possible.