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UK Inheritance Tax exemptions

Would your estate be able to utilise any of the UK Inheritance Tax exemptions? Earlier this year, significant changes were made to the Inheritance Tax (IHT) regulations. These amendments mean that more estates will be considered exempt from IHT, and therefore fewer people will need to file estate returns in order to be granted probate. … Read more

Unlocking Success: The Key Benefits of Obtaining Game Plan Accreditation with The Academy of Life Planning

Introduction In today’s dynamic world, where financial planning and life coaching go hand in hand, Game Plan Accreditation offered by The Academy of Life Planning (ALP) stands as a symbol of excellence. Aspiring financial planners and life coaches seeking to elevate their careers can find the ultimate pathway to success through this prestigious accreditation. In … Read more

Safeguarding your Legacy

The Power of a Family Trust: Safeguarding Your Legacy. In today’s ever-changing financial landscape, establishing Family Trusts has become an essential tool for preserving wealth, ensuring financial security, and safeguarding one’s legacy for future generations. As families navigate the complexities of the UK’s financial regulations, a Family Trust offers a range of benefits that cannot … Read more

Dangers of Do-it-Yourself Wills

Experts have warned that making your own ‘DIY’ Will can be really risky as they may be deemed invalid after your death if not done properly. When people write Wills themselves, individuals may not understand the intricacies of legal clauses and if the wording is in any way ambiguous, it may lead to legal challenges … Read more